Friday, July 25, 2014


Some of the folks in the early service have voiced displeasure at not having a welcoming time. We’ll put it back BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! It’s awkward when we ask you to greet one another and a guest gets ignored. Often guests will sit in the back, near the outside corner, or at the front corner and get overlooked. On the other hand, it’s also awkward IF the only time a guest gets welcomed is during the welcoming time. Many years ago Judy and I visited a church where no one knew us. They advertised being “the friendliest church in town.” From our perspective they were guilty of false advertising. Oh, they WERE friendly with one another, but not with new folks. The only time anyone spoke to us was during the welcoming time, but these greetings were not backed up by any other indication they really cared we were there. We arrived early and stayed late and not a single person spoke to us, expect during the welcome time. WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN AT BACON HEIGHTS. A “staged” welcoming time will never be as powerful as the spontaneous welcoming when a person first walks in the door or lingers when the worship time is over.  

Many are wondering why we have not formed a Pastor Search Committee, a very valid question. It’s really a matter of the timing of Jerry’s departure and BHBC’s lack of experience in selecting pastors. When the original plan was put in place, BHBC was a much smaller church with only one worship service on Sunday mornings. Members knew each other. Now we have dual services with the early one being comprised of mostly older members and the late service made up of mostly younger members. Some of the older members have registered concerns over the Pastor Search Committee being made up of only people from the early service. They want the Committee to be representative of the whole church. Because of summer vacations and activities, we’ve not been able to assemble a quorum of the Personnel Committee and Church Council to develop plans to present to you, the Church Body, for selecting the Pastor Search Committee. We have called for a joint meeting on Sunday afternoon, August 10, at 2:00, in the hope that a two week notice will allow folks the time to make some scheduling adjustments and we can have a quorum present.

In the meantime, pray God’s choice of members for the Search Team be our choice as well. Pray for the man God has already chosen to be our next pastor. He’ll be coming to a great church with a bright future. We need him to come and provide the leadership to make our best days to be ahead of us.

(Judy and I leave Lubbock early--very early--Saturday morning and head to East Asia. If you have any interest in reading about our trip, I'll be posting on another blog I have. That address is:
See you in a few days.)

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