Thursday, January 8, 2015

Aging and Prayer

2015 is a week old and aging rapidly—like me. I’ve come to believe the only humans who enjoy aging are children. Their desire to be older is so they can enjoy the perceived benefits of some measure of maturity.

Many people choose not to go “quietly into that good night.”  (One of the funniest comments I heard about this occurred at the Preston Smith International Airport. A male passenger walked by who was doing his “best” to resemble a younger Elvis. His attempts bordered on the ridiculous. Actually, the border into ridiculous was nowhere to be seen in his rear view mirror.  A friend standing nearby commented, after Elvis was out of earshot range, “Waging the war on aging with all the weapons at his disposal.”)

I always chuckle when someone says, “I’m not as young as I used to be.”  My disturbed mind just begs me to add “but you never were.” Even a newborn infant is not as young as he used to be just moments after birth. Our grandson Seth, born September 20, is not as young as he used to be.

Perhaps my obsession with aging has to do with an approaching birthday. In just over two months I will hit that magic age qualifying me for ……I’m not sure I can even write it….can I just say “that word” is what I’ll be eligible for?  No? So you’re going to make me put it into print? O.K., here goes.  I’ll be eligible for……Medicare……… OUCH, THAT HURT!!!!!!! As you can see, not even my computer wanted to type “that word.”

In my mind it wasn’t that many years ago I was the young pastor churches were considering. (Ouch again—just realized that last sentence DOES make me sound like an old codger.) Now, I’m at the “sunset” of my professional career.  We’re looking for—AND NEEDING—a younger pastor who is maybe at the “sunrise” of his career. We may even get a pastor younger than my children!  YIKES!!! I AM OLD!!!!!

My memory does allow me to recall what it was like when I was the young pastor moving to a different church. My first few churches were single-staff churches. When I finally got to  churches that had staff, I was the youngest, or second youngest, member of the staff. The existing staffs had been together a while. I was the new-kid-on-the-block, charged with the responsibility of providing leadership to a few folks who were questioning my ability to lead. I do remember one staff meeting when I was seeking counsel from the staff and one guy quipped, “Act like you’re in charge. Maybe one day you will be.”

Believe it or not, this whole rant is a call to prayer. I know what it is going to be like for our new pastor. He will be inheriting a staff that will, possibly, all be older than him. Regardless of his age, he is inheriting a staff that has been together for quite some time. He’s coming to a church that has been experiencing decline in attendance for several years. He’s coming to a church in a transitioning community. Please don’t get me wrong, I believe he’s coming to a very good church that can be a great church. I still believe our best years can be and are still ahead of us. But they won’t automatically come. IF YOU CAN, JOIN US SATURDAY EVENINGS, 5:00, TO PRAYER WALK OUR FACILITY. WE, AS A CHURCH, WON’T BE ABLE TO DO MUCH ELSE UNTIL WE PRAY. After we pray, the sky’s the limit.