Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Search Team Thoughts

Clearly BHBC has not had to search for a pastor very often, so the process is not clearly defined.  We can only find the following directive from our by-laws: ARTICLE III CHURCH OFFICEERS, Section 2. Pastor and Church Staff Ministers, Paragraph A. Call and Election: The church shall call a pastor whenever a vacancy occurs….A search committee composed of not fewer than five members shall be elected at-large to seek out a pastor or church staff minister. The chairman of the deacons and the chairperson of the personnel committee shall be ex-officio members.

Our by-laws state, under Article X, CHURCH BUSINESS, Section 4. Parliamentary Procedures: Parliamentary procedures shall be guided by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order or by other procedures as may be prescribed by the church.
Robert’s Rules of Order clearly state, in regards to ex-officio members, Without exception, ex-officio members of boards and committee have exactly the same rights and privileges as do all other members, including, of course, the right to vote. There are, however, two instances (only 2) in which ex-officio members are not counted in determining the number required for a quorum or in determining whether or not a quorum is present. (Neither exception applies in this case.)
In researching our by-laws, there is no exception provided for ex-officio members that would prevent them from voting. Therefore, the chairmen of the deacons and personnel committee ARE voting members of the Pastor Search Committee.
During the 2002 search, the Personnel Committee decided to exclude all persons who receive a salary from the Personnel Line Item of the budget. (As an aside; Merle Scott served on the Search Committee. Technically, she didn’t receive a salary from BHBC but did have insurance benefits paid by BHBC.) When Gib Weaver, then Chairman of the Personnel Committee, made the announcement of the Search Committee on Feb. 3, 2002, the following notes were recorded: The following are members of the committee: the top 7 vote getters who passed stewardship and membership requirements are on the committee, the next two are alternates (who will participate in all meetings, but not vote or have any say so, and will not travel, but they will be aware of the proceedings should someone drop out). The chairman of the personnel committee and the chairman of the deacons are ex-officio members. The minutes contained the names of the 7 members and 2 alternatives, but did not name the two ex-officio members.
If Robert’s Rules of Order was followed, then the 2002 Search Committee had 9 members and 2 alternates.
The nominating form that was used in 2002 contained the names of the two ex-officio members, then 7 lines for members to submit names. On the back was a listing of the members deemed ineligible to serve by virtue of either receiving a pay check from BHBC OR being the spouse of a paid employee.

In a called meeting of the Church Council on June 15, 2014, while discussing the impending sale of the South Campus, the question arose about the demographics of the Search Committee. The Council is greatly concerned that the whole church be represented on the Committee. One comment was made that large Sunday school classes could potentially select the Committee. The majority opinion expressed at that time was we need good representation from the younger membership of BHBC.  Another stated large classes would need to “police” themselves to make sure they were not filling all the slots on the Search Committee. One suggestion was to have one-half of the committee from each of the two worship times. 
Here's the bottom line as I see it. We still have a few details to work out as we begin the pastor selection process. The challenge has been the timing of Jerry's resignation coming at the beginning of summer. Just as soon as we can get the Church Council and Personnel Committee members in town we can work on the details and present a plan of action for your approval. Please don't think we're ignoring this or deliberately delaying the process, we just have plans for form and need as many people as possible to be involved.
In the meantime, continue to pray for our new pastor and for God to reveal to us who he is and in God's perfect timing.

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