Thursday, March 26, 2015

Exciting News--A Prospective Pastor is Coming

The word is now out that we will have a prospective pastor at Bacon Heights on Sunday, April 26. Actually, he and his family will be here for the whole weekend. Here’s a brief summary of the weekend.

Friday evening he and his family will meet with our staff and their families for a meal and time to get acquainted. All of Bacon Heights will be impacted by the arrival of a new pastor, but none more so than the staff. Our new pastor will be joining an existing staff as our leader, colleague and fellow servant. We are a team and it is vital we “jell” as quickly as possible.  Because of my role in serving the Pastor Search Team, I’ve had the opportunity to meet our prospective pastor and his wife and I AM THRILLED! I can hardly wait for the rest of our staff to begin knowing them.

Saturday afternoon (time to be announced later) we will have a “meet and greet” reception time for the whole church. At some point we will have a Q & A time with him.

Sunday morning he will preach in both services. Sunday afternoon, probably at 4:00, we will have an additional time for church members who couldn’t make the Saturday afternoon reception to have time with them.

Sunday night at 5:00 we will have an evening worship followed by a called business meeting. The business meeting will be for the sole purpose of voting on extending a call to this prospective pastor.

Yes, this will be a crazy busy weekend for our prospective pastor and his family. By the time Sunday night is over they will feel a mixture of excitement (yes, I am anticipating a strong vote to call him) and exhaustion.

You are receiving an advanced notice of the date so you can arrange your calendar to be here for this most important weekend. You have a responsibility as a member of Bacon Heights Baptist Church to be here prayed up and ready to vote on extending a call Sunday night.

Folks, this is NOT A DONE DEAL!  This man and his family believe they have been called by God to be our pastor. Our Pastor Search Committee believes God has led them to this man to be our pastor. They have worked through nearly 100 resumes, spending countless hours in prayer, reading and reviewing resumes, and listening to sermons. They narrowed the selection down to 2 men and have spent nearly 2 months seeking the mind of God over which one is our pastor. BUT THIS CALL STILL HAS TO BE CONFIRMED BY YOU, THE MEMBERSHIP OF BACON HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH.  That’s why I’m asking you to be prayed up and ready to vote on Sunday night, April 26.

On a personal note: it has been my belief that this man is to be our pastor ever since I met him. I’m impressed with his love for the Lord, his desire to serve the Lord, and his humility. The prospect of working with him excites me to no end.

So, who is this man? We’ll let you know on April 19.