For the past 10 weeks and 3 days (as of March 9) Judy and I have been remodeling our house. We've lived in this location for 22 years without doing much to it during that time. An amazing thing happens to dwellings over time, and it's not good. Without constant attention a house will begin to deteriorate and show wear. Our house was showing signs of wear.
Such is the case with our church house. We've done some major work at times and are preparing for another major construction project, pending church final approval. But this project will add more space but not deal with most of the existing structure.
Jon Kjosa, our Facilities Manager, is a gifted individual who does so many different things around here. However, he's only one man and this is a large facility. Over time small "blemishes" appear on the building. If ignored long enough, they become major. Many of these small blemishes can be taken care of by folks like you and me.
We also know that Easter is a time when unchurched people are most open to visiting a church. We want them to come and have a good experience when they come. WE'VE GOT COMPANY COMING FOR EASTER.
At my house we get ready for company, even if the "company" is family. Judy insists the house be as neat and tidy as we can make it (and it sure will look better once the remodel job is completed).
Bacon Heights has company coming for Easter. Therefore, we are planning a workday on Saturday, March 26, at 9:30 in the morning to get our (church) house ready for company. Come help us, even if it's only for 30 minutes. We'll have a list of projects that need completing and you can work as long, or as short, as you are able. Even a small amount of help will still be help.
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