Monday, October 6, 2014

Summer of Change

The Summer of 2013 needs to be remembered as the summer of change. At the beginning we lost our Pastor and just a few weeks later, our System’s Administrator. We have continually been making upgrades to our technology but speeded up the changes this summer. We changed our software from Shelby to ACS and have encountered many, many more challenges than expected. In fact, we’re still working to get the financial package working smoothly before moving on to the calendaring package.
            The driving force behind changing software was the need to improve our check-in and security processes. ACS seems to have the best check-in system in place today, thus the change. We now have check-in stations in preschool, children and youth areas. Fortunately, we’ve not had any close encounters of the wrong kind concerning security, but many churches have. We chose to be proactive and get systems in place BEFORE we had problems.
            We’re also relying on more volunteers to help with our IT needs. Chris Gscheidle is a God-send. He has so much knowledge about technology and is helping us in more ways than I can describe. David Taylor is also making significant contributions in our Sunday morning worship “production.”  I continually thank God for these two men.
            We’re also seeing some changes in our financial position. At the moment, we’re about 5 weeks behind our budgeted receipts. Fortunately, we’ve not had to dip into our cash reserves, but if the trend continues, we will. I’m not sure if our offerings are down because: 1) we’re out of debt and some feel the money is not needed; 2) we don’t have a pastor so they feel that don’t have to give as much; 3) other spending is considered more important than supporting Bacon Heights.
            Folks, ministry is continuing even without a pastor. Yes, we’re out of debt, but our debt was not being financed by the budget. Just because we’re out of debt doesn’t mean we no longer need your support—WE DO! Actually, during this interim time we’re working to make improvements in anticipation of our new pastor AND God is providing us with new opportunities.
            What BHBC couldn’t do 15 years ago we can now accomplish—purchase property next to our campus. At the moment we have an opportunity to buy two houses. One is next to our parking lot on the 54th Street side. (We already own the one on the 53rd Street side.) For a few years I’ve been calling that house Annex 2. In my mind, this purchase is a must because it connects to our parking lot.
            The other house is across the street at the east end of the block. At one time BHBC owned this house and Charles Murray lived in it. When the South Campus was purchased, we sold the house to Vera Perkins. It is available for sale. We’ll discuss the purchase of these two houses Sunday night during our business meeting.
            Sunday we begin our Senior Adult Revival. Actually, it’s being sponsored by the senior adults but is for the whole church. I trust you will be in attendance Sunday morning and evening. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings we’ll also have services and hope many of you can make these times.

            Sunday morning, Chris Slayton, Chairman of the Pastor Search Committee, will give a brief update on the work of the PSC. We’ve got some great days ahead of us and working together, we can make our future days be our best days. 

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