Monday, September 15, 2014

Pray & Work/Wait

We now have the Pastor Search Committee in place with leadership. Sunday the group met and selected Chris Slayton to be the Chair and Glenna Applewhite as the Secretary.

Their first order of business was to select a time for weekly meetings. They will meet Sunday afternoons, from 3:00 to 5:00, to pray together and seek God’s direction. I gave them copies of the 16 resumes we have already received and let them know I was available to support them in any way they deem helpful.

Now they begin the arduous task of praying and working to find the man God has selected to be our pastor. We, the members of the congregation, have the responsibility to pray and wait. Both are difficult. Probably the reason many people don’t pray much is because it can become hard work. Anyone who takes prayer seriously knows it’s not something done casually and quickly. Genuine prayer can occur at any moment, in any situation, no doubt. But intercessory prayer takes time, effort and energy. Too many of us are not willing to invest the time/effort/energy to get serious about prayer.

Church NOW is the time to GET SERIOUS ABOUT PRAYER!  When our PSC (Pastor Search Committee) finds the man God has chosen for us, we will see God do some amazing things. However, if we are not serious about prayer and if we don’t allow the PSC time to do their work and pressure them to short-circuit the process OR if we attempt to convince them that we know who is the best person to be our pastor without allowing them time to make this discovery, then we won’t have our best days ahead of us. The stakes are too high for us to not be involved in prayer.

Please join me in praying for our PSC daily. Lift up the names of:
            Chris Slayton, Chair
            Glenna Applewhite, Secretary
            Mary Satterwhite
            Jay Jacobus
            Mark Finkner
            Ron Ward, Chairman of Deacons
            Harry Bruton, Chairman of Personnel
            Duane Locke, Alternate
            Dan Johnson, Alternate

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pastor Search Committee Named

It is with great joy that we reveal the names of the members of the Pastor Search Committee. They are:

            Representing the 9:15 service:
                        Mary Satterwhite
                        Glenna Applewhite
                        Duane Locke, alternate
            Representing the 10:45 service:
                        Chris Slayton
                        Mark Finkner
                        Jay Jacobus
                        Dan Johnson, alternate
            Ex-officio Members:
                        Ron Ward, Chairman of Deacons
                        Harry Bruton, Chairman of Personnel.

The five voting members selected by the church represent five different Sunday school classes. Of the seven voting members, four attend the early service and three the late. Overall, this is a good representation of our church.

As soon as possible I will convene this group so they can name a chair, then they will begin their work of praying and reviewing resumes. We, the rest of BHBC, must support them with our prayers. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Announcement coming SOON

Wednesday evening the Personnel Committee and Church Council reviewed the nominating ballots and began the process of contacting the top "vote getters." Just as soon as we receive confirmation from the whole committee, I'll post the list of names here. Check back often because I'm anticipating being able to announce the committee VERY SOON!